Monday, November 10, 2008

4. The use of exhibition space to create meaning

Dominique Gonzalez's - Foesters, this exhibition space situated on the ground level of the Tate gallery, is concealed by red curtains made of rubber. The initial impact of this concealment provokes curiosity of the art viewer. Getting people to look at the art and the Video is a large first step. The rest of the exhibition space furthers the meaning dramatically. The large roof and floor diameter gives the feeling of the dramatic scale the event of a 2058 disaster is on. The over-grown structures of supposed insects, tower over people viewing the video and create the intimidation factor of which the art is based around, coming from the many bunk beds in place to represent thousands of people taking shelter of the disaster. Viewing this piece will help me decide how to decide what accompanies my experimental video and what scale the given space is on.

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