Monday, September 29, 2008

2 Experimental Videos

Telling Lies

Telling lies is a video displaying words that contradict the words being spoken in the audio. The Premise of the video is to show how a simple phone call can be so deceiving and despite the conversation being between two people, and nobody else can hear what is being said the characters still feel the need to lie or display a different emotion to how they are actually feeling wither this is intentional or not. The sounds are Non - Diegetic as all that is being displayed on screen is words and the sources of the sounds are not visible.

The Girl Chewing Gum

This experimental video is a 9 minute long clip that shows a street during the day with people walking past going about their everyday life to the sound of a man shouting stage directions in the background as if directing the scene. The Premise of the clip is to make the point that a simple scene that the director has no control of can be made to look like he does by using the soundtrack. The sounds in the scene are Non Diegetic as we soon find that the video is pre recorded and the director has simply added speech before something he knew would happen.

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