Monday, October 13, 2008

3. Are the story lines narrative or Non narrative?

The first obvious narrative video is "koyanisquatsi", its beginning; middle and end are clearly defined. It begins with pictures inside a cave on rock and returns to these images at the end, this is done create the effect of closure on the viewer, kind of like an insight into that way of viewing life and then returning out of it at the end. The middle could be seen as the repetitive showing of people cars and lively life of our everyday city. This is could be viewed as the middle as its in the flow like a story would be and the speed seems to build up as if waiting for a climax like at the end of a book. "The Girl Chewing Gum" is a lot less narrative based because it is a lot freer flowing, but the end scene of the countryside kind of gives it an end like a narrative. The fact the director’s voice can be heard giving directions and letting the viewer know what’s going passes it as a narrative and the director the narrator. The opposing argument to that could be that their is no real structure like a narrative, which is a strong point. Overall I feel that most of the Experimental videos I have seen are narrative's but each to their own degree and own style, I feel the only real non narrative is "1001 nights", because although the actors tell a story, the overall look is quite messy and confusing as to what is the point and where it is heading. I feel the narratives are a lot easier to grasp a meaning of compared to non narratives which require a lot more understanding which may engage some people and not others.

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