Monday, October 6, 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works. Discuss the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them

In this section I will compare 3 of the experimental videos I have looked at; KOYANISQUATSI written by Godoffry Reggio, 1001 Nights by Jananne – Al – Ani and the Girl Chewing Gum by John Smith. All 3 of these videos were made in different decades and were constructed differently to create original effects for the viewer to interpret to some extent in their own way without missing any real point.

KOYANISQUATSI; which was funded by Francis Ford Capollo and was shown on screens in 1983, uses speeded up and slowed down action shots to help present the feeling of busyness and to show the rhythm of peoples everyday life combined with a soundtrack of Non – Diegetic sounds that helps further this point. Compared to the 1973 experimental video ‘The Girl Chewing Gum’ made by John Smith, which is a much lower budget video but similarly gives insight to a normal day in the city for citizens, but at the same time shows deeper meaning which would have had a bigger impact because of the time it was filmed for example the moment when the birds pass the camera shot, and the director makes a stage direction for them. These brief few seconds would have the impact of surprise and given the veiwer an instant idea of what the point to the video was, which is more subtle than other vidoes in the same decade. The fact that experimental videos such as this were few and far between at the time . The sounds are also Non – Diegetic as the voice of the director can be heard behind the camera not on screen.

The final Video I have looked at for this section (1001 Nights) is very different to both, written more recently and more of a craft based video, the use of Non- Diegetic sounds are constructed purposely and the confusion created in the feelings you have left after watching are more of misunderstanding and lack of engagement.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Shaun you make some good comments here. You need to break the work up into paragraphs and try not to write about areas that you will cover in later chapters.

Try to go into a bit more detail with some of your point’s i.e

"‘The Girl Chewing Gum’ made by John Smith, which is a much lower budget video but similarly gives insight to a normal day in the city for citizens, but at the same time shows deeper meaning which would have had a bigger impact because of the time it was filmed, and how experimental videos such as this were few and far between."

With this paragraph you need to state what the deeper meanings might be? What could have been the impact?

Having said this you have clearly made a great start on a complex issue, well-done!