Wednesday, October 15, 2008

6. Audience and audience interpretations of the work.

Understandably reactions to these videos would have been different with everybody in the group, arguably the point to most experimental videos is to provoke feelings or reactions from viewers and to feel a certain way, whether the reactions are completely different from viewer to viewer or not. Whether interpretations of the artists work differ are not the matter with experimental videos, more of the question has it engaged or affected the viewers in an appropriate way. I don’t feel it is important in experimental videos for all viewers to have one view or identical interpretations, as in many cases this is very hard. It is as or more important for the viewers to be able to connect and grasp their own concept. Several people in the group took their own interpretations of "the girl chewing gum" for example, this is to do with what people bring to the video themselves and what is triggered in their mind when viewing it, this can be down to past experiences, mind sets whilst viewing it and levels of understanding, these are all important aspects to be considered viewing experimental videos.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Unit 34
Grade D1 (Not final until Chapter 4 is handed in)

Shaun well done this is competent work you have a couple of errors but this work clearly shows your ability to analyse experimental video work. You critically evaluate the work of video artists and support your arguments with elucidated examples, you express your ideas fluently and use subject terminology correctly.
You need to make some minor alterations by placing speech marks around directors and film titles.
This is clearly a distinction piece of work, Well done! You are now into your production stages i.e. Task 2 on the main blog.